About Us

Gratia Community Church is a group of believers that wish to continue the living for the history of God that He has called us to take part in. Through reading (from the Scriptures), teaching (Bible studies), and preaching (Evangelism), the main objective of our church is to carry out the Great Commission in Matthew 28, and make disciples of all nations. Jesus Christ, as He showed through His sacrifice on the cross.

A 30 year old man, a continuing student at City College but still lived with his parents and brothers, and all he did was watch TV, play video games, and Pokémon Go: “I realized my purpose in life: it was to be used by God's will. I was evangelized one day and met all kinds of people along the way. I got to experience more in life because of the encouragement of my pastors and fellow church members. I learned how to use my time, how to cook and how to drive now so that I can rebuild my life. I was able to restore my true self and now I am confident to live a more meaningful life with God’s love by my side.


Gratia member
There are 4 main points that I took out of this bible study. One, blaming someone is so easy, but accepting your flaws and mistakes is challenging when you have low self-esteem. Second, It is good to have a few values or at least one value that you never break under any conditions. Third, one must discipline themselves or they will never be able to follow someone or something that helps them to be a better person. And lastly, to prevent sin is the best way, but after committing sin and have them forgiven is the second best way.


Gratia member
I really pray to have the faith in Jesus Christ so I may experience God's abundant grace more. Thank you God for the precious gift of Jesus Christ. I'm grateful I can place my hope in Jesus. Jesus, who atoned for our sins that led to death. God's grace is greater than any sin. A blessing I don't deserve but I thank you Jesus. I truly believe that God truly would save everyone no matter how deep the sin is. I pray that everyone gets to know the Lord. He's free but the greatest treasure.


Gratia member