newletter examples

Gratia Church Sends Out Newsletters to Members

Gratia church launched a newsletter to keep members to be updated on the events of Church. Gratia church hopes more members can be part of the activities that church is providing such as morning devotion, Romans bible studies on Wednesday and Sunday services especially during this time of pandemic period which they need to stay physically healthy, but also spiritually healthy. Church ministers are encouraging members to participate in these activities, so they can get spiritual nourishment.

romans 2 circumcision

Romans 2 – Circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit

Today’s sermon delivered by Pastor Tzeng was from Romans 2:1-29 entitled “Circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit.” The sermon encouraged church members spoke about categories of righteousness and goodness we create, but how we ultimately need to receive Jesus Christ through the circumcision of the heart.

Continuing from last week, we are looking at Romans 2, a chapter that pierced the hearts of the Jews in Rome. It also pierces our hearts in America today.

First, in Romans 2:1-11, Paul speaks deeply about the problem of our faith system. As a dogmatic Jewish Pharisee, he knew the problems. As Jesus told us, Pharisees prayed about the great faith acts they did before God in comparison with the tax collector who beat his breast. Pharisees, Romans, Americans all have the same problem – we have a self-righteous image drawing a circle around ourselves and categorize ourselves as “good” people. In our defined categories of “good”, we exclude others, and are gracious with ourselves, saying that God has mercy and forgives us “good” people. But our stubborn boundaries blind us to the truth that we are stuck circling around in my self-righteousness in my own shell of myself. God’s truth is not based on my categories of “good”, they are based on truth. God does not show favoritism and He does not judge based on my standards.

Next in Romans 2:12-27, we see that the Jews thought the Law would protect them, so they lose fear, and keep sinning. We think being a personally defined “good” person will protect me, but we must know that we will be judged even more. In America, we are so smug in that we are good people living a self-sufficient life – but will this protect me. The author of Hebrews says that we will all die once and face judgment. All my sins will be judged accordingly, big or little sin, all sin prevents us from going to heaven. Just because I think I’m generally a “good” person, that won’t protect me. Let’s not sugar-coat the reality of judgment, we must know there is an end and we must know our insufficiency that we cannot escape judgment on our own. Finally, in Romans 2:28-29, we see there is a way out of judgment and this way is not using outward things like circumcision. Just because we acknowledge a boundary of a “good” person, will God acknowledge it like we want? The Gospel is not for self-seeking ones filling up myself, but it’s for the ones with an empty heart. When I am humble, with an empty heart, I can accept from God above. What is faith? Faith is circumcision of the heart, about my heart opening to receive from God. Apostle Paul has deep self-reflection, breaking down and confessing that he is a sinner with problems. That honesty, the open heart, the circumcision of the heart is the starting point to faith. That the only way out of judgment from our sins is not my ways, but it is when I can receive Jesus Christ, his unconditional love and grace of salvation.

Let us pray to have our hearts circumcised and received from above. Rather than being the self-righteous ones by our own efforts, may we rely on Jesus Christ and the cross.

Romans 1 knowledge of God

Romans 1 – The Knowledge of God

Today’s sermon delivered by Pastor Tzeng was from Romans 1:17-32 entitled “The Knowledge of God.” The sermon explained our limits of coming to God and how God comes to us by grace, revealing our own self-righteousness, allows us to turn back to him.

We will be looking at Romans 1:17-32 today, it is from one of the most important chapters in the Bible and for our lives of faith. Paul gave this message to the people of Rome and it is the message we need in America, as modern Rome.

First, in Romans 1:18-23, we read how Paul proclaims the Creator God’s existence as obvious and without excuse based on the creation. It also speaks to how, as God’s creation, we are limited in the created cosmos and cannot break through by ourselves to God of heaven, eternity. Instead, God must come us instead, just as He revealed Himself to us in Jesus Christ and scripture. So we see that our relationship with Jesus and understanding Bible is not by intellect, but a transformative faith. Our intellect is limited and in our fallen nature, we will simply turn towards evil knowledge, created things, and idol worshipping of money, sex, and fame. We cannot find God in created idols, but how can we find God? It is in our invisible, intangible spirit and image of God that God comes to us most presently. That breaks our understanding of how we can know God – that is not by progressive intellectual understanding. We know God by a transcendent receiving of Him into our hearts, as we are transformed.

Next, in Romans 1:24-27, we see how depraved sin made an extreme turning away from God, so God let us go. Does that mean we are free? There is biblical, righteous, true freedom that God has given and this country of America was built on this type of holy freedom, so God blessed this nation greatly. However, there is such thing as twisted freedom that has blinded us in self-righteous justification of sin. Because I am free, does that give me the freedom to sin and leave God? Twisted freedom blinds us with an arrogance to reject the fact that I’m a sinner. We think, “Why am I a sinner? I have my right to freedom.” However, we must know that freedom to sin is not freedom, it makes us a slave to sin. We misunderstand God’s rules and commandments as restricting our freedom, but in actually those rules are what gives us true freedom. Athletes train hard with discipline in order to “free” their potential to be elite sports stars. In the same way, God’s rules, commandments, faith discipline are there to give us freedom to live by the Holy Spirit and not in sin.

Finally, in Romans 1:28-32, we see that us self-righteous blinded ones didn’t retain the knowledge of God, and this led to all kinds of depraved list of sin that Paul shows. Our loving relationship with God is absolute, it either exists or doesn’t exists. What breaks our relationship? That is sin. Therefore, all sin, whether big or little will break our relationship. It is our sin, breaking our relationship with God that puts me in a place of fiery hell, separated from God. The wrath of God is automatic when I leave God in sin. We are so foolish in our self-righteousness and we don’t even see our own self-righteousness. However, the good news is that God of loves saves us, sending his some Jesus Christ who bore the punishment of our sin. How about us? Us sinful self-righteous ones from before, need only to receive the righteousness of Jesus Christ by faith as Romans 1:17 says, there is nothing we need to do, just accept. Why is Romans so special? It speaks of the full, transcendent, eternal grace of God in every aspect of our life. It seems impossible to see our self-righteous image, but actually when we receive the full grace of God, we see our self-righteousness and it convicts us. This becomes the starting point where we can return to God.

Let’s pray we can open up our hearts to receive God’s amazing grace. Through that, let us return our hearts back in a loving relationship with Him.


Romans Bible Study at 7 AM for Youth & Adults

Gratia members are studying Romans every morning at 7 am (Pacific Time).  It is a time for youth and adults to dive deep into the Word of God.  

For example, on July 22, Pastor Walker shared Romans 1:24-27, where it says God gave depraved mankind over to their sinful desires:

“We misunderstand God’s rules and commandments as restricting our freedom, but in actuality, those are what gives us true freedom. Athletes train hard with discipline in order to “free” their potential to be elite sports stars. In the same way, God’s rules, commandments, faith discipline are there to give us the freedom to live by the Holy Spirit and not in sin.”

The Bible Study gives plenty of time for Q&A to ask questions freely and meditate on the Word of God deeply.  Since the Bible Study is at 7 AM, it also wakes us up to be refreshed in God’s Word daily.  Everyone is welcomed to join Monday through Friday at 7 AM, onsite and online via Zoom:  

Sunday service 0719_2

Wednesday Bible Study – God’s Compassion on the Story of Jonah

Gratia church held graceful Wednesday Bible study on July 15 , 2020. Pastor Julia shared the book of Jonah and members spend the time of sharing and prayer afterward.

“We have our cold judgment and self-righteousness that is different than God’s. Throughout the whole story of Jonah, we can see God’s compassionate heart toward the sinners who cannot tell their right hand from their left. Without having this compassionate heart, we will not able to share the love of God. We are indifferent to people or ignore the heart of God by not sharing the message to the people who are going toward the eternal hell. The one who received salvation gained eternal life by grace but at the same time we are obligated to share the salvation to the people who are next to us.” shared Pastor Julia. 

Wednesday Bible Studies are held online and onsite at 6 PM via Zoom:


Naaman Healed of Leprosy

ermon delivered by Pastor Tzeng was from 2 Kings 5:1-27 entitled “Naaman Healed of Leprosy.” The sermon encouraged to not be stuck in their own methods, but receive continual grace and healing from God.

We will look at the story of Naaman. The totality of the Bible gives us a message of truth. Therefore, even a story in the Old Testament, can speak about our salvation in Jesus Christ. Today, we will be looking at sin, salvation, and washing our sins.

First, in 2 Kings 5:1-12, we are introduced to Naaman, a commander of the Syrian Army who suffered from gruesome disease of leprosy. Imagine being at your peak of success in the world, only to be told you have a terminal disease. In life, we can outwardly look great, powerful, and do well in front of others, but on the inside we are weak and alone. What is our problem? The fundamental problem of mankind is estrangement from God – we can even define sin like this. How can we get closer to God? We can’t do it under our own power. Naaman attempts to use the King’s worldly treasures, powers, and influence to receive healing from leprosy, but it doesn’t work. What works? It’s listening to God. Since we can’t go to God, God must come to us and we must open our hearts to Him.

Next, in 2 Kings 5:13-14, we see that after Naaman’s initial doubts about washing in the Jordan River, he listens and obeys. In life of faith, sometimes our ways seem more reasonable and we doubt the method of faith. But for the one who doubts, try actually taking your doubts to their logical conclusion and what do you get? Perhaps Naaman took his doubts to their logical conclusion and realized that all he had left was to still being stuck as a leper. Therefore, he took the leap of faith and followed God. In actuality, what God asks us to do is not that much. All we must do is wash in the Jordan River and we must wash 7 times. In faith, all we must do is receive Jesus Christ and his unconditional love. The key is that Jesus is the only way to come back to God and be healed of my sickness.

Finally, in 2 Kings 5:15-27, we see Naaman’s image after he is healed, continues to have a right heart of gratitude and an open heart. We also must realize that we continually need Jesus in our life and to continually be washed. On the other hand, Gehazi clearly wasn’t washing his sins, still keeping greed in his heart, trying to take money from Naaman, and hiding his sin. We must know that the more we try to hide sin, the more that sin will cling to us. Our hidden sin makes us a leper, estranged to God. As you grow in faith, you realize how much intellect and ability on the outside aren’t really what matters. People with great ability and reasoning are sometimes more critical with bad attitudes and you don’t want to work with them. It’s because the attitude on the inside is not right. Our attitude on the inside must have a heart of repentance, wanting to continually receive washing from Jesus.

Therefore, let us continually was our sins with the grace God has already given to us. In this way, let us be united with God and live for His glory and Kingdom.

online bible reading 4pm

SF Gratia Church Holds Daily Online Bible Reading

SF Gratia church has been holding daily online bible reading since June,currently they are reading the book of John. They read 3 chapters every day and pastor Julia explains the chapters more in detail and also answers questions. There is overflowing grace as they read the bible and the Holy Spirit inspires their heart to dwell in the Word of God daily. Gratia welcomes anyone who is interested in reading the scripture together online and please click to this link,