
Gratia Holds Dedication Service at New Location

On September 26, 2021, Gratia Church held a dedication service for its new location where it will hold Wednesday Service, Friday Prayer Meeting, Bible studies, and other fellowship activities. Gratia will continue to hold Sunday service at its chapel location which was previously dedicated, but held a special Sunday service for this day.

In the sermon, Pastor Tzeng spoke about rebuilding which was the situation of Nehemiah and the Israelite nation.  In the same way, we are relocation and building a new location after a pandemic.  All of us are also rebuilding our lives after the pandemic.  

What we see from Nehemiah is concern after hearing about the devastation from his brothers that came back from Jerusalem.  Nehemiah could have easily ignored it being around the grand palace, but he had a deep concern.   For us, nothing will ever change if we don’t begin with concern for this fallen world and the restoration of God’s Kingdom.  

Also, Nehemiah had conviction for God’s greatness, who is higher than even the kings of the world.  In the face of God’s greatness, he humbly confessed his own sinfulness.  This is the honesty of Nehemiah that it wasn’t someone else’s sin, but it is all of our sin.  He didn’t try to blame anyone, but owned up to the problem.

In the final part of Nehemiah’s prayer, we see the confidence he has in God’s promise that God will do what He has already said.  At the same time, Nehemiah was personally committed to God using him to complete His work.  He didn’t pray for someone else to do it, but he prayed for himself to be used by God. May this prayer of Nehemiah strengthen us and may Gratia Church be a place of great prayer.


Matthew 4 – Come & Follow Me

In the sermon, Pastor Tzeng explained how the historic first four disciples of Jesus were insignificant people evangelized in an insignificant place. Their story didn’t start out in a great way of the world, but it was this insignificant story that showed God’s amazing grace in their lives. In the same way, we ust not judge a book by its and instead see how God works through faith rather than human power.

The disciples showed their faith by leaving immediately everything of their lives. This may seem foolish, when the world tells us to live reasonably and methodically. While living that way may be smart, but there is one clear way that it isn’t always smart. And that is especially when things are at the beginning and missing opportunities because we overlook things. Instead, we should see that the Kingdom of God starts from a mustard seed and follow it. The disciples left their entire personal life worldview and embraced Jesus. In the same way, we should leave our personal life worldview and embrace what the Word of God teaches us.

Finally, Jesus not only changes our worldview, but he transforms our lives. The disciples went from fisherman to fishers of men, in only three years of time with Jesus. The Word of God surely becomes flesh in our lives and we transform. As a fruit of love, we should get a new net and boat, meaning the Word of God and serving at church.

Like these disciples, may we go immediately, change our worldviews, and transform in God’s glory.


The Three Temptations

In the sermon, Pastor Tzeng explained each of the three temptations that Jesus experienced and related it to our lives. The first temptation is the temptation of material, visible, physical things. We demand our physical needs are solved before believing in God. Rather, we should know that we need things beyond the physical, and to see the spiritual needs in the Word of God.

The second temptation was the temptation of the mind and control, to live a relationship with God on our own terms how we want to control it and what favors us. However, we do not go to God on the basis of what we think, but we go to God for who He is and that is what a relationship with God is. Therefore, we do not test God, but just simply be in a relationship of faith with him.

The final temptation was the temptation of our dreams and visions in life. The world tempts us by giving us opportunities in the world, to follow the world ways instead of God. In this way, our spiritual direction is drawn to the world. Instead, Jesus overcame the temptation by submitting to God completely. More than pursuing our own dreams, it’s having faith that God knows us better than ourselves and will allow us to fulfill a great glory in His dream of the Kingdom.

May we all be people of faith, surrendering to God completely just like our Lord Jesus Christ.


Gratia Ministers Visit A Member After Surgery

Gratia ministers Pastor Walker and Julia visited Kellie who received surgery on her leg and now she is under-recovery. Kellie was very grateful for their visit, prayers, and care.

“I felt strongly God’s presence in the morning. Through my pain, I realized the pain of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross and never cried like this before. I felt that God already healed me and I can walk freely. I don’t know the path before me but I want to be used for God’s purpose. I remember the last Bible study I had with pastor Walker right before my surgery and it was Romans 5, suffering brings perseverance, character, and hope and I believe in God’s hands that He trains me under all circumstances.” said Kellie.


We pray for her fast recovery and she can dwell in the presence of God during this time.