Gratia First Sunday Service and New Year Celebration
On January 1, 2023, Gratia Church held a graceful Sunday service, full of God’s word, praise, worship, and fellowship. The sermon delivered by Pastor Walker Tzeng was on Ephesians 4:20-24 entitled “Put on the new self”.
In the sermon, Pastor Walker encouraged church members to start the new year with Jesus Christ in their hearts. First, its about remember our first heart when we came to faith in Jesus Christ and never losing that passionate faith. Next, its about putting off our old self which has been corrupted by deceitful desires of sin in this world, covering up the beautiful image of God we were created in. Then, its about accepting by faith Jesus Christ in our hearts, the perfect one who lived holy and righteous. Finally, its about putting on our new self, not by ourselves, but the power God who transforms us to be Christ-like and in His glory.
After the service, church members went to Pastor Walker and Pastor Julia’s house to celebrate New Years by making dumplings together. It was a joyful time to share in God’s grace and start the New Year giving the first back to God.
Gratia Concludes Christmas Retreat with Overflowing Grace
Gratia concluded its three-day joint retreat near Lake Tahoe, California. Like the previous day, it was a full day of Bible Studies and fellowship, and also included an overflowing grace-filled Sunday Service with baptism and communion.
The Sunday worship service was delivered by Pastor Walker explaining the historic and universal meaning of the Word, or logos, becoming flesh in Jesus Christ. The Sunday service also featured the baptism and had a communion ceremony, where attendees took the bread and wine together in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ and his continual sustaining of our lives of faith.
The evening concluded with a final prayer meeting filled with grace and the Holy Spirit. God led many retreat attendees to pray for ministers, just as many ministers had prayed for students in previous prayer meetings. Many members had the prayer topic of holding onto the grace they received during the retreat.
Through three days of the Christmas retreat, God filled all attendees to be filled with grace and united them in the love of Jesus Christ. Please pray that God may carry all retreat attendees to fulfill His glory and Kingdom.
Gratia Young Members Practice for Sunday Worship
Gratia’s young members gather on December 2 to practice praise songs for the Sunday service. Brother Larry, Moses, and sister Dany are going to lead the praise for this Sunday service and they are thankful for this opportunity to learn to serve and get involved in the service preparation. We pray that they can give glory to God and may abundant grace be poured down in the service.