
Naaman Healed of Leprosy

ermon delivered by Pastor Tzeng was from 2 Kings 5:1-27 entitled “Naaman Healed of Leprosy.” The sermon encouraged to not be stuck in their own methods, but receive continual grace and healing from God.

We will look at the story of Naaman. The totality of the Bible gives us a message of truth. Therefore, even a story in the Old Testament, can speak about our salvation in Jesus Christ. Today, we will be looking at sin, salvation, and washing our sins.

First, in 2 Kings 5:1-12, we are introduced to Naaman, a commander of the Syrian Army who suffered from gruesome disease of leprosy. Imagine being at your peak of success in the world, only to be told you have a terminal disease. In life, we can outwardly look great, powerful, and do well in front of others, but on the inside we are weak and alone. What is our problem? The fundamental problem of mankind is estrangement from God – we can even define sin like this. How can we get closer to God? We can’t do it under our own power. Naaman attempts to use the King’s worldly treasures, powers, and influence to receive healing from leprosy, but it doesn’t work. What works? It’s listening to God. Since we can’t go to God, God must come to us and we must open our hearts to Him.

Next, in 2 Kings 5:13-14, we see that after Naaman’s initial doubts about washing in the Jordan River, he listens and obeys. In life of faith, sometimes our ways seem more reasonable and we doubt the method of faith. But for the one who doubts, try actually taking your doubts to their logical conclusion and what do you get? Perhaps Naaman took his doubts to their logical conclusion and realized that all he had left was to still being stuck as a leper. Therefore, he took the leap of faith and followed God. In actuality, what God asks us to do is not that much. All we must do is wash in the Jordan River and we must wash 7 times. In faith, all we must do is receive Jesus Christ and his unconditional love. The key is that Jesus is the only way to come back to God and be healed of my sickness.

Finally, in 2 Kings 5:15-27, we see Naaman’s image after he is healed, continues to have a right heart of gratitude and an open heart. We also must realize that we continually need Jesus in our life and to continually be washed. On the other hand, Gehazi clearly wasn’t washing his sins, still keeping greed in his heart, trying to take money from Naaman, and hiding his sin. We must know that the more we try to hide sin, the more that sin will cling to us. Our hidden sin makes us a leper, estranged to God. As you grow in faith, you realize how much intellect and ability on the outside aren’t really what matters. People with great ability and reasoning are sometimes more critical with bad attitudes and you don’t want to work with them. It’s because the attitude on the inside is not right. Our attitude on the inside must have a heart of repentance, wanting to continually receive washing from Jesus.

Therefore, let us continually was our sins with the grace God has already given to us. In this way, let us be united with God and live for His glory and Kingdom.

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