
The Parable of the Ten Minas

In the sermon, Pastor Tzeng explained how the minas represents time. While it may seem that God gives us each different amounts of time in our life, this is not a quantitative measure of time, but a qualitative measure of time. In God’s eternity and love, He gives us all our own individual time and treats us in this time in the same way.

This treatment of time is that God gives us a responsibility, a purpose to use that time. Although God is almighty in His providence and sovereignty, taking responsibility for all things in our lives and for the Kingdom, we still have a responsibility in our time. It is to receive God’s purpose in our life joyfully with love because He is the loving God.

The final servant regarded God in a “hard” way, pessimistic, cynical, and lawful. The logical conclusion to this heart is due judgment. Rather, may we receive the time and responsibility we’ve been given by God joyfully. God will allow us to bear fruits and allow our lives glory.

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